3 Life lessons I learned from my Father

On September 27th, 2022, my father, Mokhtar Chidiac, passed away after battling cancer for 15 months. Only a few months ago, I had a rare opportunity to spend time with him with my camera just before his health started to deteriorate and had him tell me his life story and the moments that shaped his life. It was a very intense emotional time for me at … Continue reading 3 Life lessons I learned from my Father

Keep trying… Some goals are so worthy that it’s glorious even to fail.

In the summer of 2009 and before the release of the blockbuster science fiction movie AVATAR, I had the pleasure of meeting the co-producer Jon Landau while he was speaking at one of our company’s annual meetings at Microsoft; at that time, we were all waiting to hear about how Microsoft’s KINECT technology was used in the making of the movie; Kinect was not yet due to hit the market, … Continue reading Keep trying… Some goals are so worthy that it’s glorious even to fail.

To help deal with Anxiety, Shorten your timeframes

Most of us, at some point in time, will experience anxiety, a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. You may be in a situation where you have a fear of the unknown; it could be the result of a recent job loss, a loved one being sick, a personal relationship that is heading toward a cliff, or any reason … Continue reading To help deal with Anxiety, Shorten your timeframes

Write off the Emotional Bad Debt

I would like you to imagine this situation with me for a second; You’re wearing a suit (dress, skirt…) and you notice that one of the Buttons is loose and is hanging on a thread and it could fall anytime. Of course, the first thing that goes into anyone’s mind is to FIX the situation, but what happens when it’s not possible (at that particular … Continue reading Write off the Emotional Bad Debt

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression

 They say the first 30 seconds you meet someone are very crucial as that someone would have a long-lasting impression that would affect the way they listen, hear, see and accept you afterward. Are you the Gentleman, the Classy Lady, the Professional, the Amateur, the Charming, and the list goes on and on… It doesn’t really matter if you’re meeting someone socially or in a … Continue reading You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression

Become Friends with your Fear

This week’s tip is an extract from my Commencement Speech for the Class of 2020, you can read/listen to the full speech 👉 The Last Day of the Present. “Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will. Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” ~Suzy Kassem Around 10 years ago (8 years at the time of the speech), I was having a chat with my sister, she … Continue reading Become Friends with your Fear

A simple lesson from Mothers on Perseverance

The other day, I was having a chat with a friend of mine who has become a mother just a few years back, and as we talked about Life and challenges in general, she shared with me some great advice that was so simple, and yet very powerful, about facing challenges in life. “Men are what their mothers made them.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson She said … Continue reading A simple lesson from Mothers on Perseverance

Choose your better end of the story

A dear friend of mine once told me his story; He was engaged in a very serious relationship with somebody, for several years they were together. And then, one day, out of the blue, their relationship ended; his fiancé messaged and told him that they cannot stay together anymore because of multiple issues and reasons. Her reasons to breakup were valid, but the way to … Continue reading Choose your better end of the story

It could happen to you too

Opinions are a matter of personal tastes; You can always have an opinion about whatever you want. You can talk about the universe, the earth, about relationships, business and you can also think about whatever you want and express your opinion in so many ways, but actually understanding and changing an opinion takes more than just courage, it takes a deeper and more progressive way … Continue reading It could happen to you too

Moving on past the obstacles and seeing the bigger picture

One of the most common, I would not call it mistake, but one of the most common downfall of problem solving, is being stuck. And the ONE element, which is the immediate influencer is the following: Rather than thinking strategically about the solution of the problem, you get stuck into details. You see, if I am to put a plan that would take me from … Continue reading Moving on past the obstacles and seeing the bigger picture